Secure Drop

Only accounts whitelisted, with special conditions or a private link can claim this drop

Possible mint: #223 / ∞


House Pack 1 (WL)


295.86 WAX

Available / Max supply 70 / 180

Sold 110

Taco Racers VIP, Taco VIP, Taco Universe Sauce Holders, Discord Top Racers & Land Deed Holders
Due to the limited number of packs, limit is 1 per account

By purchasing this Pack you are guaranteed 1 house upon opening
Houses not only give your land a unique look but an extraction boost based on rarity owned. Please see whitepaper for details.

1 House Per Pack, there are also 2 homes in this pack that have bonus attached. If you receive the Rare Limelite House you will be airdropped the Rare Limelite Vehicle. If you receive the Epic Griswald House you will be airdropped the Epic Griswald Van Vehicle. (Only the account who first opened and received the house will receive the airdropped vehicle)

House Rarity breakdown per Pack
Common - 40%
Uncommon - 25%
Rare - 15%
Epic - 10%
Legendary - 9%
Mythic - 1%

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