Waffles Kitty the Dygycon Zombie
10 WAX
Available / Max supply 0 / 400
Sold 400
10 WAX
Available / Max supply 0 / 400
Sold 400
Welcome to Zomics - Bringing you back to our roots but this time with added staking; each drop will be a zombie themed around the collections that make WAX the place that we love. Blend up multiples into different rarities!
Blend any 3 of these common NFTs and get a chance at a rarer uncommon, rare, or epic (All with higher RADS per day than 3 individual NFTs!)
Blend goes live on Monday 21st at 20:30 UTC here
Blend Staking Rates:
Common - 100 R/D
Uncommon - 500 R/D
Rare - 1000 R/D
Epic - 3000 R/D
Blend Chances:
Uncommon - 50%
Rare - 30%
Epic - 20%