Koala Grey Pack - Series 2
tangiblenfts593.75 WAX
Available / Max supply 240 / 240
Sold 0
Possible mint: #2 / ∞
593.75 WAX
Available / Max supply 240 / 240
Sold 0
NFT Count Per Pack:
9 NFTs per pack
Rarity Percentage Breakdown:
(3 of 9 NFTs in pack): Common: 59%, Rare: 29%, Epic: 9%, Legendary 3%.
(6 of 9 NFTs in pack): Common: 60%, Rare: 30%, Epic: 10%
Open your packs here: https://neftyblocks.com/c/tangiblenfts/packs
Blend your NFTs here: https://neftyblocks.com/c/tangiblenfts/blends
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AtomicHub: https://wax.atomichub.io/explorer/collection/tangiblenfts
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