Possible mint: #2000 / ∞


Ghost 2nd Edition



Available / Max supply ∞ / ∞

Sold 1943

To unlock all the features The Hustle has to offer, you’ll need at least 2 NFTs—one for Hustling and another for Batling.

If you're new to the game, Ghost is the perfect starter character. Not only is Ghost beginner-friendly, but it also has a chance to drop a Chrono Capo Boost in Consignment Mode. With this boost, you can extend your claim time from every hour to every 4 hours—giving you more time to plan and strategize

Ghost Stats

Hustling Power [Note:] Hustling power can be increased by upgrading your character
0.0000752315 $HDC per second

Battling Stats [Note:] Battling stats can be increased by training, battling and equipping fighting gear.
Power 4.900
Defense 2.800
HP 19.500
Accuracy 40.080
Evasion 1.500
Dodge 0.900
Crit 0.700

Join now and prepare your fighter...

Available Features:
1 - Send your Ghost hustling and can passivily generate $HDC but make sure you avoid jail
2- Train and battle other players
2 - NPC Challenges...defeat one of the 5 avaiable NPCs for a chance to win $WAX and Gear. The thougher the opponent the better the reward.

Coming this Nomvember:
1 -Fight Club Tournaments...100s of daily tournaments with 1000s $WAX prize pool on each tournament.

Buy Fighting Gear

