Chief's Data Disk - 1 Memory File
68.18 WAX
Available / Max supply 44 / 150
Sold 106
68.18 WAX
Available / Max supply 44 / 150
Sold 106
That's Chief's Data Disk. Please, insert the disc into your PC for information about Chief.
Make sure your computer is set to the correct time before inserting the disk - 1st May - 16:10 UTC - 2089 year.
Attention, the disk may contain one of five files.
21.8750% - The Chief of Cups
21.8750% - The Chief of Pentacles
21.8750% - The Chief of Swords
21.8750% - The Chief of Wands
12.5% - Token Girls Chief
If you did not get the information you wanted to see, please dispose of the memory files here.
Thank you for choosing our corporation. Have a great day.
Token Girls Studio (The Last Judgement is included there) Discord