Possible mint: #305 / 1000

Rocket Frogs!


100 QUAX

Available / Max supply 86 / 100

Sold 14

This drop is for those that have verified with @kingsburyfrogbot or @Frazelbot at The Online Inn
Just go into bot commands and use the slash verify commands for both! while your at it hit up honeycomb and waxportal bot roles too! We love wax so much we got 4+ wax bots at the INN!
How to Get a Free Pack?!
Twitch Viewers that have a Dig Pass are subscribed or during Free Dig Fridays can use there channel points to dig up nfts like this one as well as fish, race, or battle there way to prizes with auto ran and manually ran contests EVERYDAY!
Contains 1 Frog NFT
Collect all 4 and blend them HERE