Secure Drop

Only accounts whitelisted, with special conditions or a private link can claim this drop

Possible mint: #978 / ∞

(Light/TMDC Liquidity Bonus every 3 days) 1 District 1 Upgrade & 1 District 2 Upgrade


Available / Max supply ∞ / ∞

Sold 188

Ends after 1d 20h 37m 6s

You will need 466,025,000 LIGTMD(estimated 5000 tmdc) that you get from providing liquidity at
2 Packs Containing 1 Random District 1 Upgrade Token and 1 Random District 2 Upgrade Token
You can combine it with the other 9 District tokens from that District to make a Series 1 Upgradable Token and Start earning District Energy.
*Note Only District 1 & 2 at this time give Brilliance
Blend links:
District 1
District 2
TMDC Discord:
LNOW Discord: