Secure Drop

Only accounts whitelisted, with special conditions or a private link can claim this drop

Possible mint: #4358 / ∞

Commoner's Activity


Available / Max supply 674 / 1000

Sold 326

Packs serve as periodic loots for characters, with items and drop rates that may differ depending on the character class. Containing a variety of resources useful for crafting and survival, each pack includes a random assortment of items that can aid in character progression. Different character classes may have access to unique packs with varying drop rates and item selections, allowing for customization of the game experience.

Survival Pack is looted by Commoner.

Inside Survival Pack you will find:
TREXP (30%)
Animal Bone (10%)
Apple (10%)
Hide Scraps (10%)
Grass (10%)
Rough Stone (10%)
Rough Log (10%)
Water (10%)

You must own Commoner to claim this pack
You will need Twilight Player to gain access to all collection mechanism.