Secure Drop

Only accounts whitelisted, with special conditions or a private link can claim this drop

Possible mint: #196 / ∞



25 WAX

Available / Max supply 49 / 200

Sold 151


As the female counterpart to the Commoner, the Commoneress brings a unique dimension to Twilight RPG. Just like the Commoner, she starts her journey with no specialized skills or abilities. Her strengths and weaknesses are as diverse as the wilderness itself. With a resourceful spirit and the ability to improvise solutions using an array of tools and materials, the Commoneress is well-equipped for survival. She shares an appreciation for the beauty of nature and possesses an innate curiosity about the world, making her a perfect partner for the Commoner in their quest to navigate the realm of Twilight RPG. Together, they embark on a journey of exploration, growth, and adventure.

Price will increment every certain Commoneress sold

You must own Commoner to claim this Commoneress
You will need Twilight Player to gain access to all collection mechanism.