The Cube: Ticket 1
Available / Max supply 0 / 500
Sold 500
Available / Max supply 0 / 500
Sold 500
The Cube: Ticket 1 (Supply 500)
Con este nft tienes la participipacion de 1/500 de ganar un axie, que yo mismo sorteare en mi canal. Una vez se vendan todos los nfts o lleguemos al minimo para poder realizar el sorteo.
Hare un streaming en mi canal de YT para realizar el sorteo.
Plazo maximo estimado 15 dias y haber vendido minimo 400 nfts.
Despues de la rifa no vender el NFT. Quiza tenga otro uso.
Axie de la rifa:
The Cube: Ticket 1 (Supply 500)
With this nft you have the participation of 1/500 to win an axie, which I myself will raffle on my channel. Once all the nfts are sold or we reach the minimum to be able to carry out the draw.
I will stream on my YT channel to run the giveaway.
Estimated maximum term 15 days and have sold at least 400 nfts.
After the contest, do not sell the nft. Maybe something happens.
Axie to get around:
You are the hero!
Artist: fdeflash
You can find me on Twitter:
Yepa! how's it going?
I am fdeflash born in Barcelona and living in Ibiza. Some months of life in #hive. Informatic. Gamer. And some other little thing. I like to discover, collect and level up. I like to write. And I am fascinated with all the news that I am discovering, collecting and leveling up! Fan of comics, cinema and new technologies.
You can find all heroes in neftyblocks: