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Underpunks RPG - May T3 Drop


Available / Max supply 5 / 16

Sold 11

Shocknade (standard variant)

You'll need a Glove of Dragoste to charge this electrifying weapon. Toss the Shocknade only when you have 2 REACH. If you are more than 4 REACH away from the target, you will need STRENGTH to compensate. The target's ability to recover from the STUNNED state is proportional to its remaining health.

Equips in second hand (only).
A glove of Dragoste is required to charge and toss the Shocknade.
32 energy (NRG) is required to charge the nade before you can toss it.
Use !toss nade mob
Mob is term that represents a rooms target creature (mobile object)
Requires minimum of 1 reach and a maximum of 4 reach to be thrown, but does NOT come with reach.
Use a glitch coin or another SHAVI weapon to gain reach.
You will need strength to compensate for a toss from greater than 4 reach.

MISCHARGE: There is a 3 in 10 chance that your charging efforts will result in STUNNING yourself.
One of those chances may get removed if you have high TECH skill.
Another chance may get removed if you have high KNOWLEDGE.
eg. With 6 TECH and 6 KNW there will be a 1 in 10 chance of it being a mischarge. This final chance can only be removed with a Glove upgrade.

RESULT When you !attack a STUNNED creature it will not return damage, but it has a chance to remove its STUNNED condition proportionate to its health, so time your nade toss wisely.

Use this link if YOU WANT TO PLAY THE GAME

This NFT is currently restricted to the May T3 patrons of the Underpunks RPG