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Underpunks RPG - 2022 November T2 Drop


Available / Max supply 9 / 44

Sold 35

Oort Tech (pack) (standard variant)

GRAB x 2

Use this link if YOU WANT TO PLAY THE GAME

This pack drops...

  • Mining gear essential for mining in space.
  • Mining gear benificial when mining in deep shafts.
  • Mining gear benificial when mining under water.

The Oorts are spacefaring aliens about the same size as Underpunks who dislike heat or even warm climates. They are a nomadic species that lives mostly in the shrouded safety of the vast Oort Cloud, far beyond the solar system, where the sun is but a pinprick and asteroids are vastly separated. While they have access to water, methane, ammonia, nitrogen, hydrogen, carbon dioxide/monoxide, oxygen, argon, xenon, and helium (mostly in solid frozen form), their primary building materials are tholin polymers made from a substance known as STAR-TAR. The more daring of them conduct quick, uncomfortable raids into the solar system in search of metamorphic minerals and ores formed by heat. Their UFOs are powered by deuterium (heavy hydrogen), but they could be converted to run on plutonium or even scrap. Being this close to the sun is extremely dangerous to them; thus, when they visit Earth, or what's left of it, they mostly survey deep underwater or underground. The contents of this pack may change over time, but it will always contain four pieces of Oort technology.

This NFT is currently restricted to the November T2 patrons of the Underpunks RPG