Possible mint: #242 / 326

Veeket Pack - Animalitos Coleccionables



Available / Max supply 85 / 326

Sold 241

70% Common / 20% Epic / 10% Legendary

​# Hey!
Do you know what's inside this beautiful pack?

Six characters are hidden in the VeeketPack Animal Collectibles that will be happy to keep your other NFTs company.
In return, they promise to fill your Wallet with color and magic, reminding you every day that animals are the most beautiful thing in the world.
Each one of them is special, earning an honest living and living life in their own way.

Collect all six cards and win a super Veeket-NFT poster to stick on the wall of your wallet!

To see my collection:

-The music is great by my favorite artist "El Hereje del Rock" ♥