
The Outsider Vol. 1 | OVA | Kael Ravencore Pack


44.25 WAX

Available / Max supply 518 / 855

Sold 337

**Information: **

Know a new story about his adventures. Collects new pieces for the Stake Farm and blends them to discover the secret scene.

The pack will cost $1.5 in WAXP from its launch until sold out on November 21, 2023. No price variations or advantages, focusing on fairness and simplicity. We do not believe in price curves.💪 The pack will be available until November 21, 2023, marking the release of Vol.2 of the Agent Kael Ravencore OVA.

**Join to our Discord: **

WAXP FARM (Kael Ravencore Pack): https://waxdao.io/farm/venapgamesnf

Make blends here: https://neftyblocks.com/collection/venapgamesnf/blends?search=&page=1&category=The+Outsider+OVA

Get your Collector OVA Role here: https://waxzilla.io/c/VenapGames?quest_id=ac3a7191-441e-4dd4-bab9-87a5a142bb0e

Pack Contents:

Includes 5 base cards in RGB color format.
Each RGB base card represents an animated final scene (Common, Rare, Exotic).

Drop Probabilities:
> Common 60%, Rare 30%, Exotic 10%.


Combine 1 base card of each corresponding color (RGB) for the desired scene. Example: Blue from the Common Scene, Red and Green to obtain the final animated Common Scene.

Legendary Final Card:

The most powerful and leveled, achievable only by blending the first 3 animated scenes. This card provides the total mining power of the 4 scenes.

Collector's Token:

Holders of all NFT cards (Common, Rare, Exotic, and Legendary) from the Agent Kael Ravencore OVA can claim their token at no cost, enhancing their farming power.****

Participate in Stake - Farm (WAXP)

Only animated NFTs will be accepted. Total: 4 final scenes and token for the Stake Farm.

Farming Power:

Common 0.000197047**
Rare 0.000492618
Exotic 0.001773427
Legendary 0.002955711
Token 0.008350033**

Participation and Prizes in GIT GAME:

The animated final scenes you hold in your wallet will accumulate GIT points in the monthly Git Game ranking to win incredible prizes.****

How to Stake Farm with pack pieces:

**Purchase the pack through the Drop Each pack includes 5 RGB (Red, Green, Blue) color cards. Blend 3 cards of the same color from the same scene to obtain the final animated scene (Common, Rare, Exotic).

Obtain the legendary card: Once you have the 3 final scenes (Common, Rare, Exotic), blend these 3 scenes to acquire the ultimate legendary card.

Become a collector: You need to possess all final animated scenes, including the legendary one.

After attaining all final scenes, access our WAXP Farm on WAX DAO and Stake your Animated NFTs.

Claim your collector's token of Agent Kael Ravencore; once you have all the pieces, you can secure the token granting extra mining power and full access to the entire storyline.

Each animated final scene earns points in your Git Game Ranking, granting you the chance to participate in exciting monthly prizes.**

The total supply of minted packs will be 900 units of the "The Outsider" OVA.

**The packs available for sale will be 855 out of 855 for the drop.

The Venap Games team will reserve 5% of the total pack supply (45 packs) exclusively for prizes, gifts, and future promotions. The team will not make any use of the 5% allocated for these purposes.

Starting from August 21st, the 855 packs will be available for sale on our Neftyblocks page.**

Economic Cycle (Pack and Collection)

**1: From the pack's launch until its availability or until stocks are depleted, 15% of the pack sales will be weekly reinvested into the Farm.

2: All holders of the Vulnerability Agents collection (including the NFT of the Pilot Episode) and the specific pack will receive 0.01% of secondary market sales monthly.**

Web: https://www.venapgames.io/nft