Biggest giveaway ever!
Available / Max supply 0 / 30
Sold 30
Available / Max supply 0 / 30
Sold 30
If you meet one of these conditions, then on January 11 at 15:00 UTC you will see this sale become available to you.
Top 30 buyers on Atomic Hub ( snapshot taken)
Top 30 active users on Discord (general chat only, you have to have a verified account through honeycomb so we can take your wax wallet)
50 users who boosted the discord server (out of all 191 users, 50 will be chosen at random, a snapshot has already been taken, no further boosters are involved)
The first 50 people who fill out this form: But your account must meet these requirements:
All finalists of the first 10 rounds of the online-stopwatch contest
Warspace community Advisors and moderators