WAX Arena Equipment Box #1 - SMALL BOX (6 cards)
458.33 WAX
Available / Max supply 901 / 2600
Sold 1699
Possible mint: #1725 / 2600
458.33 WAX
Available / Max supply 901 / 2600
Sold 1699
Equipment Box #1 containing 6 equipment cards
Four possible variations (Assassin, Berserker, Guardian, Wisdom)
Each variation has equal chance to drop and gives bonus to a different attribute:
Assassin +DEX, Berserker +STR, Guardian +CON, Wisdom +WILL.
Rarities drop chance:
Common - 70%, Epic - 25%, Mythic - 4.5%, Immortal - 0.5%
More info on www.waxarena.io