Possible mint: #12 / 25


Sadogat - Metabattler collab


25 WAX

Available / Max supply 17 / 25

Sold 8

Hey Hey everyone,

This fighter is a collab with Ultra Rare Collectibles célébration, only 25 aivalable ! may more fighters to come ?

Name: Sadogat
Origin: France
Fighting style: Muay Thai boxing and dog wrestling techniques

History: Sadogat, formerly known as Gaston, was a French bulldog destined for a quiet life in Paris. But after being saved by a former Muay Thai champion, he discovered a passion for fighting and discipline. With incredible strength for his size and unfailing determination, Sadogat trained day and night to become a fearsome fighter.

Personality: Sadogat is known for his determination and loyalty. Although he may seem intimidating, he has a heart of gold and always stands up for those who need it. His stern gaze hides a strategic mind and a cunning inherited from his canine ancestors.

Special techniques:
Thunder Paw Kick: A quick sequence of forward paw kicks followed by a devastating uppercut.
Bulldog Charge: Sadogat hurls himself towards his opponent with incredible power, knocking them down with force.
Doge’s Embrace: A submission hold that uses its strength to immobilize and neutralize its opponents.

Currency: "Small but powerful, it is in the heart that lies the true strength."

Discover the game at : https://metabattler.io/



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