Skyth The Radiant
10 WAX
Available / Max supply 37 / 40
Sold 3
Possible mint: #11 / 50
10 WAX
Available / Max supply 37 / 40
Sold 3
Skyth The Radiant cant help but be seen.. which is why he has no choice, all of the attending wizards expect to see him on the masters podium.
Many wizards from across the metaverse will make their way to the wizard games.. The gates to the wizards enclave will be opened on the 1st july
-20 collectible cards
-5 levels of rarity
-Blendable characters
-Magical items
-A blend game that tells the story of an apprentice summoning the 1/1 Mythic NFT "WizardGod" winner takes the NFT
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