Possible mint: #2838 / ∞

Axik NFT Reward Ticket


18 WAX

Available / Max supply 466 / 500

Sold 34

The Axik NFT reward ticket can be exchanged for a nft from our nft reward pool .These tickets are given out to our community members for participating in our different reward programs and events. These tickets are redeemable in our NFTHive NFT reward pool for ONE random nft at : https://nfthive.io/craft/244 The value of the nft's in the reward pool range from 2 wax to 400 wax . The initial launch of the reward pool consist of 1030 nfts from Axik collections, various mint from our previous drops , Sikkheadz Single and Triple Packs, Axik Miner Drop crate etc . We also added alot of NFT's from boxmazeworld including 3 basic lands worth 400 wax each, many equipment chests , adventure orbs ( which were part of our previous LP staking reward program that was merged within this one) We also added a few nfts from Taco. More NFT's from other project , from different games and collections will be added as we collect them. Come try your luck today :)

You can blend NFT reward tickets on neftyblocks using 10 Axik Giveaway Ticket or 5 Axik LP Staking Tickets. These two tickets will also be available for sale for people willing to complete a blend .

You can also buy an NFT Reward ticket , valued at 20 wax and try your luck in our Reward pull, who knows you might pull something more valuable :) Funds from ticket sales will serve to refill the reward pool, pay for ram and also help fund Axik NFT's operations. Every NFT's from Axik collectiond added to this reward program is stakeable at waxdao.io for different token rewards in the farms Axikjourney and Axikjourney 2 .

Join our fast growing community and become a member of this amazing project today : https://discord.gg/PUcCV9EGd3