#90529Last updated on: Dec 22, 2024, 01:51:39 AM
Last updated on: Dec 22, 2024, 01:51:39 AM
Auction canceled
Seller .fzqy.wam
- Asset ID1099823665529
- Collection
- Seller.fzqy.wam
- Template ID569032
- Is burnable
- Is transferable
- Mint90529
- Max. supply∞
- Backed tokensNone
- AttributeValue
- name Tea
- img QmRw6hMVDpkKeyNn5pdCddQBBAsYCja8ysYEMCPfrF8GKs
- type feast
- rarity abundant
- about Banquet characters are free to play for everyone! Join our website to earn free tokens and permanent rewards! Power ups strengthen your free to play character during a season! They can only be consumed by characters of the same faction. Trade factions you can't use with other players! Castles is a game about building wealth, influence and glory! Grow your empire today! (Note: Old power ups do not carry over to new seasons)
- website https://castlesnft.io/
- faction nightshade
- season 1