Flying Skateboard Wheels



  • artist

    Joe Chiappetta

    42.46%(10,027 / 23,617) have this trait!

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    38.33%(9,052 / 23,617) have this trait!

  • AttributeValue
  • artist Joe Chiappetta
  • name Flying Skateboard Wheels
  • img bafybeies2e6nycdww3gnph47jgsnfsdxtbk3kkby3kujmen2ib3izsfat4
  • series 3
  • rarity Common
  • description This painting has artworks within the artwork. That's a recurring theme of mine--as are things with wheels. The art-within-art aspect of this piece alludes to an interesting phenomenon. For some time it has remained quite common for skaters to decorate their skateboards with all sorts of artwork, even on the bottom of the board. While I realize this is now the norm, that's not how it was for me when I skateboarded regularly as a kid in the late 1970s. Back then, I had a plain brown skateboard with absolutely no distinguishing features. In retrospect, it might have been the ugliest, most boring-looking board on the planet. Yet in never occurred to me to paint on it, draw on it, or put stickers on it. What was I thinking? In light of the more modern decoration trends in skateboarding, where the skateboard is also a work of art on wheels, I would call that radical rolling progress. For those still waiting for flying skateboards as depicted in this artwork, the wait is over... at least in the imagination.

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