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  • Schema nameships
  • Template ID670747
  • Is burnable
  • Is transferable
  • Issued1,965
  • Max. supply9,032
  • Burned1,052
  • Circulating supply913

Everyone needs a ship to sail the NFseas and the Sloop is your entry level vessel. Not the mightiest of ships but still plays it's role in hunt for the end Booty Ship. Blend 4 of these for a Brigantine in return.

  • AttributeValue
  • name Sloop
  • video QmZZofBx8nJ1EGBWMZMvkMrEb2Lt6Wwczv5Sp4AvkgQKoT
  • description Everyone needs a ship to sail the NFseas and the Sloop is your entry level vessel. Not the mightiest of ships but still plays it's role in hunt for the end Booty Ship. Blend 4 of these for a Brigantine in return.
  • rarity Common
  • compatible boosters Helm
  • discord
  • earn wxbooty
  • captains page