Greensmiths play an integral role in the lives of Nanotopians. The most important of their tasks being the creation of Anima Armor, a functional symbol at the very center of their culture. Greensmiths from the Paragon Plains region are experienced in constructing items containing Floria.
Paragon Plains - Female
- Collection
- Schema namegreensmiths
- Template ID449968
- Is burnable
- Is transferable
- Issued98
- Max. supply∞
- Burned0
- Circulating supply98
- AttributeValue
- name Paragon Plains - Female
- Series 1
- Description Greensmiths play an integral role in the lives of Nanotopians. The most important of their tasks being the creation of Anima Armor, a functional symbol at the very center of their culture. Greensmiths from the Paragon Plains region are experienced in constructing items containing Floria.
- Rarity Uncommon
- Class Greensmith
- Type Base
- Region Paragon Plains
- Base Floria 9
- Base Elder Tree Sap 1
- Base Versatopium 4
- Base Nanore 1
- Base Mat Cost Reduction 0
- Base Deconstruction Gain 0
- Base Speed 0