Amelia Vega was the first Miss Universe to be crowned from the Dominican Republic. Vega was the face of Covergirl Cosmetics from 2004 - 2008. She went on to open two boutiques, Essence by Amelia Vega, in Miami, Florida. Amelia, also a singer, released her album “Agua Dulce” in 2011 on iTunes. Most recently she authored a children's book, “Un Día en la vida de Pichín”, which promotes the values and importance of family.
Amelia Vega
- Collection
- Schema nameseries1
- Template ID330031
- Is burnable
- Is transferable
- Issued329
- Max. supply612
- Burned2
- Circulating supply327
- AttributeValue
- name Amelia Vega
- cardid 18
- rarity Common
- img Qma4kdDthmMwtPMT5HHo3vEAx3AoStMfEzNNUVRWqLzrqt/Common/common%20corrected/Amelia%20Vega%202003%20C-01.png
- backimg Qma4kdDthmMwtPMT5HHo3vEAx3AoStMfEzNNUVRWqLzrqt/back card/back card.jpg
- release_date 28 October, 2021
- year 2003
- country Dominican Republic
- redeemable 0
- facebook
- instagram
- twitter
- legal ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ®️,PMI NFT &©️ Miss Universe®️
- bio Amelia Vega was the first Miss Universe to be crowned from the Dominican Republic. Vega was the face of Covergirl Cosmetics from 2004 - 2008. She went on to open two boutiques, Essence by Amelia Vega, in Miami, Florida. Amelia, also a singer, released her album “Agua Dulce” in 2011 on iTunes. Most recently she authored a children's book, “Un Día en la vida de Pichín”, which promotes the values and importance of family.