The sun in the palm of the hand, was a little astronaut who dibaba in nothing, had an accident when returning home, and thus became the guardian and protector of the sun.
- Collection
- Schema namemonstercortd
- Template ID545162
- Is burnable
- Is transferable
- Issued25
- Max. supply50
- Burned1
- Circulating supply24
- AttributeValue
- name Sun
- img QmaoKmdRQXPjaaJLG4aFCCk3AoMuGn4UMxXGJ1Pyy9zLYL
- Collection Rearmed Collection
- Rarity Epic
- Divinity Mortal
- Basic Element Thunder and Light
- Special Feel the power of the Sun
- Letter Number n°49
- Era The Wild Hunt
- Description The sun in the palm of the hand, was a little astronaut who dibaba in nothing, had an accident when returning home, and thus became the guardian and protector of the sun.
- Credits Rearmed Studies