Wind Grimalkin


Owner humbledrawin


  • Archetype


    3.85%(139 / 3,609) have this trait!

  • Rarity


    36.13%(1,304 / 3,609) have this trait!

  • AttributeValue
  • name Wind Grimalkin
  • img QmUZ22r6fue9Gm7Y5A7EYw1a7vEcsexNdQHU4b4EYKPEnz
  • Rarity Uncommon
  • Archetype Creature
  • Des. Residing within the lofty upper cloud echelons of Netheros, the Wind Grimalkin protect the sheer mountain peaks that adorn the blue sky. The Wispy Energy strands protruding from the Wind Grimalkins head effect their aerodynamics, as well as give indication to health and/or age. Wind Grimalkin are generally docile in Nature, but are highly protective over their Mountain Nests and Young. Their primary source of defense is to lift creatures to obscene heights and drop them, if they can fly they flee quickly in fear of being defeated.

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