
R.A.I.D.D. Gaming's: Colosseum!

R.A.I.D.D. Gaming Presents COLOSSEUM!! Imagine yourself in a world of fantasy and strategy. You enter the world and log in with your wax wallet. Once ...

The story behind

R.A.I.D.D. Gaming's: Colosseum!

R.A.I.D.D. Gaming Presents COLOSSEUM!!
Imagine yourself in a world of fantasy and strategy. You enter the world and log in with your wax wallet. Once you are logged in, you are then able to magically transport your adventurer NFTs into this fantasy world. Be warned, unless your adventurer is legendary(Legends never die) he or she will be burned!
Once your adventurers are born into this new life called Colosseum their glory awaits! Immediately they are endowed with random stats(str, agi, wis, int)plus a few invisible stats that will alter the outcome of every battle(even the famed developers have been knocked on the head and have now forgotten the formula). You will have 5 adventurer screens!(1 for each rarity) in each of these screens you will see a list of allll the adventurers of that rarity. They are sortable by class, total stats and individual stat. Now that you have a new adventurer, this is where the hard decisions begin. Did you get a bad stat roll? You can pay a little RAIDD to reroll. BUT FIRST! You KNOW you have RAIDD tokens in your wax wallet, why cant you pay a little RAIDD to reroll your stats?? Ahhhh, FIRST you have to deposit some raidd into your GAME account(this prevents you from maxing out your cpu in 5 seconds because you tried to do 800 transactions rerolling all your adventurers, silly!). And don't worry, you can withdraw from the game back into your wax wallet at any time.
What is this other option next to “stat reroll”? Ahh it says “stat boost”!! You can use this button to boost all stats of your adventurer by a random amount between .1% and 1%! This can only be used once per day.
So now you have a common warrior, cleric, wizard and rogue. And it seems their stats are good enough to enter their first tournament. But first! You must hit the create team button. Once you are in the team selection screen you will be faced with 5 options. Common, uncommon, rare, epic and legendary team. Once you choose the appropriate team you are able to select from all eligible adventurers(sortable by individual stat or total stats). Once you select a cleric warrior rogue and wizard of the proper rarity don't forget to name your team!
Once your team is named and saved the real fun begins! It's now time for the tournament selection screen. Once you reach this screen, select a tournament for which you've already created a team. Once the tournament is selected you will be able to choose 1 or multiple eligible teams that you've selected!
Sometimes the tournament will take hours, and sometimes days(this will be disclosed and announced when exact timing is finalized). At the end of the tournament are you a stud? Or a dud? You will know by the damage you have dealt to the evil beast along with your cohorts. Your prize? Wax. The sweet sweet nectar that keeps the rivers of the magical “chain” flowing.

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Company: R.A.I.D.D. GamingDirector name: ben becknerAddress: 4949 26th ave n