Theses kittys are all about spreading awareness about (disorders, syndromes and plenty of more) I realized the power of words and how much of a impact...
Our latest
DropsTotal eclipse exotic kitty style
exotickittyzfree11 / ∞ sold
LiveThe exotic custom kitty
exotickittyz100 WAX
0 / 20 sold
LiveThe exotic free kitty 2
exotickittyzfree13 / ∞ sold
The story behind
Theses kittys are all about spreading awareness about (disorders, syndromes and plenty of more) I realized the power of words and how much of a impact one person could have upon others! So I wanted too use this time and create awareness all about the disorders some have and the struggles day too day they must live with and face. I plan too make the community a better place and try and change the mindsets too keep thinking postive and never put anyone down! Also your words can have such a HUGE impact on others just an single "hi how are you doing are you doing okay" can change their path and lifestyle!Thank you for taking your time too read this I hope you have a blessed day and stay safe and warm.
We do have a stake pool ALWAYS OPEN details in telegram.
Our planet on galactic123 coords are 6 12 there will always be nfts loaded on this planet along with a free nft in our custom map (dungeon) 3d mode. Our pickaxe kitty allows you too mine more on galactic123 only on our planet.
Collection fee
about 1 year ago
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