
Sold out

Future's Relic Snack Bar - Level 150 Taco Venue


10,000 SHING

Available / Max supply 0 / 50

Sold 50

Welcome! Our Future's Relic Snack Bar is a Taco Venue that rewards its customers with a special currency called Shing for completing Brigade runs, which are a series of tasks or challenges.
The restaurant has now reached Level 150!
Customers have the chance to win Future's Relic NFTs each time they complete a brigade run.
So, if you're looking for a fun and rewarding dining experience, head over to our Future's Relic Snack Bar Taco Venue and start earning Shing and NFTs today!

This NFT is for Promotional Purposes.
A WaxDAO Farm was created just for this!
Stake here and get your investment BACK in 4 months! (3.72 SHING/h x 24h x 7days x 4weeks = 2500SHING per month x 4 months = 10000 SHING)

-Hold an ID Card (Hired Editor on Payroll)
-Blend 2x crEDITs

There is 150 MINTS of this NFT, they will be distributed in this manner:
-DROP: 50 mints @ 10,000 SHING each - 1 x claim every 16 hours
-BLEND: 50 mints @ 2 x crEDITs each - 1 x claim every 8 hours
-BRIGADE: 50 mints in 'brigade.taco' wallet (including #1 Mint) - Win NFT by doing Brigade Runs!

You can CLAIM this with 10000 SHING (approx. 2 Wax)
If you have no SHING, you should really Execute Brigade a few times and then you will have earned SHING to get his Promo Poster!

#MEANT AS PROPAGANDA - Please Pass the good word along.
##Blend available for Hired Employees on Payroll (ID Card)