The Art of Kylin
Art is a way of communicating. It can say things as straight forward as “This is a flower, and it is very pretty” to expressing emotions that are to n...
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DropsPink Tiger Lilly
kylincreates15 WAX
6 / 24 sold
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kylincreates15 WAX
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LiveAcey Jelly fish
kylincreates15 WAX
1 / ∞ sold
The story behind
The Art of Kylin
Art is a way of communicating. It can say things as straight forward as “This is a flower, and it is very pretty” to expressing emotions that are to nebulous or intense for words. When I share art I share that communication, and I’ve been doing that my whole life starting with the finger paintings I did as a child, to the doodles in math class, the fan art that filled my teenage years to now where it’s birds, bugs, and probably some fantastical things to.
Now I share it here because it seemed the next obvious step. This collection contains my artwork that was made for the sake of art. It has birds, and soon will have butterflies and and other bugs. I use ink, water colour, and digital drawing as I see fit, and maybe something else later. A part of art is experimenting and seeing what happens.
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over 2 years ago
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