Possible mint: #48 / 50

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Celebrate Goku Day with us and Agent Kael Ravencore



Available / Max supply 0 / 40

Sold 40

Goku Day 2024

Commemorative Art of Agent Kael Ravencore

Non pre-minted

Exclusive for Battle Pass Holders FREE: https://neftyblocks.com/collection/venapgamesnf/drops/218612

Public Drop 1 WAXP: https://neftyblocks.com/collection/venapgamesnf/drops/218611

We celebrate Goku Day with this Commemorative Art of our Agent Kael Ravencore enjoying Dragon Ball Z in Neo Arcadia. Thank you Sensei Akira Toriyama for giving us one of the greatest Anime works of all time and inspiring so many others to bring our stories to life.

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